What Are the Best Seats in Kennedy Center Opera House



When New Yorkers go to the cinema, they expect to come across a large program: a newsreel (which is usually the first particularon the program), a cartoon, a documentary and a feature film (a full-length fiction film in a cinema program). Sometimes ii feature films are included in the program.

Strange films are shown with subtitles or are dubbed.

The program may take one or 2 intervals during which refreshments of all kinds are offered. In some American cinemas there is a continuous showing of the program from opening till endmost time. In that instance the verbal time of the shows is not stock-still and seats are not reserved. Y'all may enter or go out the hall any time during the bear witness and take any seat y'all similar.

Most New York's cinemas are situated on Broadway and in Times Foursquare.

A great number of various films are released in the United states every year. Hollywood-released films differ in genre besides equally in creative value. Hollywood's early films were westerns (with their fast activeness, uncomplicated heroes and clear-cut conflicts between good and evil); horror films (with their mysterious and supernatural happenings, ghosts and monsters); comedies (very often not in skilful sense of taste and fifty-fifty vulgar). Then in that location were romanceane films (which showed life as it could be lived in one�s imagination and made the viewer escape from reality into dream world).

Musicals (which like westerns are a wholly American production, created and developed in Hollywood) are still popular with the movie house-goers.

In that location are films based on novels (then-chosen adaptations, that is novels adjusted for the screen) and films which deal with historical events. In such films you see the familiar characters brought to life and y'all feel satisfied if they look exactly as y'all have pictured them.

Hollywood that was justly defendant of creating a dream globe which had nothing in mutual with reality, has changed greatly since the time of westerns. American films of today are realistic and up-to-date. For instance, science fiction films (which took the identify of horror films) offering the viewer flight saucers, extraterrestrial living beings, infinite battles and explo�sions of planets. They introduced to lovers of scientific discipline fiction computers and robots going mad andattacking their creators, ugly creatures built-in of mutation and devastating superweapons. Gangster films are ofttimes inspired by the gloomy front page stories. Many of the films raise urgent issues facing contemporary society and give food for thought. The screen analyses the causes of criminal behaviour and suggests that bad characters are oftentimes the result of the circumstances and the surroundings. The idea that scientific discipline threatens human being is frequently stressed. It is suggested that man control of science may cause great disasters and in the end lead to the destruction of the earth.

Most American films are made with great professional skill. Actingand photographyare usually excellent. But at that place are also cheap second-rate films, which critics call stupid, desperately written badly directed. Such films, every bit they say, are neither instructive nor entertaining. Well, critics know best, but one thing is certain: there is too much sex, crueltyand violence on the American screen.

With the popularity of tv set, the theatre lost a great deal of its attraction. Besides, theatre tickets are and so expensive that the theatre is a luxury.

Non many theatres risk staging serious intellectual plays. Producersavoid them as unprofitable. They are certain that the public will not like them every bit 1 goes to the theatre to relax.

They think that if people practise not look to be entertained and amused at the theatre, they would rather stay at domicile.

Most new plays are presented get-go on Broadway, which is the theatrical district of New York. Plays shown at small theatres off Broadway1, though modestly staged, equal sometimes the all-time Broadway performancesin professional skill.

If a play is a hit, it may have a long run (that is it may be shown for a very long time), which is the example with a great num�ber of musicals.

The nation'southward leading opera and ballet companies are situated in New York in Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts, which also houses a symphony orchestra, a theatre and a library muse�um. Touring ballet companies also perform at Madison Square Garden (which is not a garden but a evidence identify and a stadium). Classical music tin be heard at Carnegie Hall. Films coupled with a stage testify may be seen at Radio Metropolis Music Hall, 1 of the world's largest theatres seating over half-dozen m people.


In London one can meet-drama, opera, musicals, ballet and va�riety.

The chief theatres, music halls and cinemas are in the Westward Stop. The oldest concert hall in London is the nineteenth century Purple Albert Hall. Well-known strange musicians give perfor�mances at that place when they are in London. The Albert Hall saw many outstanding conductors. London'due south almost acoustically per�fect concert hall is the Royal Festival Hall, which is function of Lon�don's modern Cultural Centre.

Opera tin exist heard at Covent Garden (the Regal Opera House) and at English National Opera (the former Sadler's Wells theatre).

The famous Imperial Shakespeare Theatre is situated exterior London at Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare'due south birthplace.

If one does not experience like queuing for tickets at the box-part or at a theatre agency, one can reservethem by telephone sev�eral days in advance.

The best seats are those in the stalls and in the dress circumvolve. So comes the pit, and final of all the balcony and the upper balustrade. Ticket prices vary co-ordinate to seats. Seats in the upper balcony are the cheapest, those in the boxes are the most expensive. Tickets for afternoon performances are cheaper than those for evening performances.


Belarus has been producing films for near 80 years. The news moving-picture show product began since 1925 when the institution of the Country Cinematography and Photography Section (Belgoskino Trust) at the end of 1924 resulted in setting upwards its own film laboratory in Minsk. The first Byelorussian characteristic pic Forest True Story (product director Yu. Tarich) was produced in 1926. In 1928, the film studio Sovetskaya Belarus was fix in Leningrad, information technology worked in Minsk since 1939 and was renamed into Belarusfilm in 1946, and into the National Movie Studio Belarusfilm in 1997. A Creative Association of Documentary and Popular-Scientific Films Letapis has been involved in the film produc�tion within its structure since 1968, and the blithe cartoon studio � since 1975.

The theme of the nation'southward struggle for national and social liberation was dominant in the Belarusian cinematography of the 1920-1930s (See You Tomorrow and July the Eleventh of Yu. Tarich, Kastus Kalinovsky of V. Gardin; Born in Fire and Fiery Years of V. Korsh-Sablin). Simultaneously, the films most contemporary life were produced (Born Twice of East. Orshansky, Searching for Adept Luck and My Love of Five. Korsh-Sablin, Ship Route of Yu. Tarich and others), also every bit feature films for children (Polessie Robinsons of I. Bakhar and L. Molchanov, the Concert of Bethoven of V. Shmidtgof and M. Gavronsky and others). At that time of special importance were the following picture versions: Racket of Pines of P. Molchanov, Nightingale of E. Orshansky, Deport and The Man Keeping Himself in Cotton wool Wool of I. Annensky, Mask and Burbot of S. Sploshnov and others.

The Belarusian cinematography reached significant success in producing films related to the Great Patriotic War, namely, Konstantin Zaslonov of V. Korsh-Sablin and A. Fainzimmer, The Clock Stopped at Midnight of Northward. Figurovsky, Through a Graveyard and I am from Babyhood by Birth of Five. Turov, Alpine Ballad of B. Stepanov, The Third Flare of R. Victorov, Shooting Ruins, Flame and Black Birch Tree of V. Chetverikov, Witness of V. Rybarev Go and Expect of East. Klimov, The War Possesses No Woman'due south Features of V. Dashuk and others.

Children and celebrated moving-picture show producers (Cerise Leaves of Five. Korsh-Sablin, Moscow-Genoa of A. Speshnev, I am Francisk Skaryna of B. Stepanov and others), producers of flick versions (Pavlinka and Nesterka of A. Zarkhy, Who Laughs Last and First Ordeals of Korsh-Sablin, Wild Hunt of King Stakh of Five. Rubinchik, People on the Marsh of V. Turov, Alien Ancestral Lands of V. Rybarev, Parents and Children of V. Nikiforov, Sign of Misfortune of Yard. Ptashuk and others), also as producers of films about contemporary life (Sunday Night of Five. Turov, I�ll Share Your Pain of M. Ptashuk, Flood of V. Chetverikov, White Dews of I. Dobrolyubov, My Name is Harlequin of V. Rybarev and others) added new bright pages to the history of the Belorussian cinematography in the 195O-1980s. Some children films (A Girl Searches for Father, Mikolka the Steam Locomotive, Oginsky� s Polo�naise and others of L.Golub, Adventures of Pinoccio, Red Hood and others of L. Nechaev, The City of Masters of V. Bychkov, Ivan Makarovich, Timetable for the Twenty-four hour period After Tomorrow of I. Dobrolyubov and others) were shown almost in 100 countries worldwide.

Since the late 1980s, Belarusian cinematographers sought to more greatly cover the history of their country making such films as Our Armored Train and Cooperative "Politbureau" of M. Ptashuk and tried to "fill" blank pages of the history (Az Vozdam [Give]) of B. Ste�panov, M. Kosymov and B. Shadursky, On Black Glades of V. Ponomorev, Nestless Birds of V. Dudin and Anastasiya of Slutsk of Yu. Elkhov).

Since 1937, Belarusian films were awarded with prizes at dozens of international film festivals and are regularly presented at the big European pic markets.

Currently, the National Film Studio Belarusfilm may produce 10-12 feature films, 20-25 documentaries and four�5 blithe cartoons a year.

Since 1981, the Movie Actor Studio-Theatre and since 2001 the Exist�larusian Cinematography History Museum part inside the structure of the Belarusfilm.

In addition to feature films, a big number of video films are produced by the production and creative enterprise Belarusian Video Center in Belarus since 1989. Its major goals imply producing films covering major cultural and political events in the country, promoting spiritual revival of the nation, propagandizing the Belarusian civilisation abroad, as well as creating the movie fund of historical and cultural heritage of Be�larus.

Most 3 thousand film-projectors (including 160 movie theatres), too as 346 video rooms and video hire clubs operate in Belarus.

Since 1962, the Belarusian Cinematographers Union contributed profoundly to the evolution of the Belarusian cinematography � it, in particular, actively promoted establishment of contained motion picture and video studios since the late 1980s � and is one of the major promoters and organizers of the International Film Festivals Listapad, Female Movies (Minsk), Animaevka (Mogilev), the National Festival of Bela�rusian Films (Brest) and others.

Additional information: Ministry of Civilization of the Republic of Republic of belarus

http://world wide web.kultura.past

Ex.I. Recall what events are continued with the following dates:

1925 1926 1928 1939 1946 1997

Ex.Ii. Arrange the following titles in chronological order:

the National Motion-picture show Studio Belarusfilm

the film studio Sovetskaya Belarus

the State Cinematography and Photography Department (Belgoskino Trust)


the blithe drawing studio

the Belorussian Video Center

Ex.Three. Marking the statements every bit �true� or �false�. Right the simulated ones.

one. Belarus has been producing films for almost fifty years.

2. The news film production began in 1925.

three. The commencement Belarusian feature movie �Forest Truthful Story� was produced in 1920.

4. The pic studio �Sovetskaya Belarus� was set up in Minsk in 1928.

5. The theme of the nation�south struggle for national and social liberation was dominant in the Belarusian cinematography of the 1920-1930s.

6. The Byelorussian cinematography reached little success in producing films related to the Slap-up Patriotic State of war.

seven. Children and historic film producers, producers of film versions added new bright pages to the history of the Belorussian cinematography in the 1950-80s.

8. Some children films were shown well-nigh in 200 countries worldwide.

9. Since 1937, Belarusian films accept been awarded with prizes at dozens of international film festivals.

10. Belarusian films are regularly presented at the large European film markets.

11. The National Studio Belarusfilm may produce 10-12 feature films, 30-35 documentaries and 6-7 animated cartoons a twelvemonth.

12. Since 2001 the Belorussian Cinematography History Museum functions within the construction of Mosfilm.

xiii. A big number of video films have been produced by the production and creative enterprise Belarusian Video Centre in Belarus since 1989.

14. I of the major goals of the Belarusian Video Centre is creating the movie fund

of historical and cultural heritage of Belarus.

Ex. II. Reply the questions:

1. For how long has Belarus been producing films?

2. When did the news film production begin?

3. When was the start Belarusian film produced?

4. When was the film studio �Sovetskaya Republic of belarus� renamed into �Belarusfilm�?

five. What theme was dominant in the Belarusian cinematography of the 1920-1930s?

vi. What films were a significant success?

vii. What films were shown in well-nigh 100 ountries?

eight. What is the contribution of the Belorussian Cinematographers' Union to the evolution of the Belarusian cinematography?

9.What are the main themes of Belorussian films?

10. What kinds of films are being made nowadays?

xi. Is the capacity of the Belarusfilm sufficient?

Ex. Iv. Give-and-take:

1. Speak on the early years of the Belarusan moving picture studio.

ii. Speak on the success of Belarusian films related to the Great Patriotic War.

3. Discuss with your groupmates how Belarusian cinematographers piece of work now.

4. Compare Belarusian films now and so.


Movie house, theatre and TV are equally of import because... widen our outlook educate our feelings enrich our knowledge entertain us
Movie house (TV, theatre) is the about... available amusing instructive constructive means of art
Theatre differs from cinema as it� unites actors and spectators moves our feelings establishes close contacts betwixt people creates the atmosphere for thinking
Television set is a means of family unit communication with the world that's why it's... convenient attractive helpful, useful informative, eventful
It'south the source of� valuable information exciting scenes burning social problems awaking one's interest

Every bit far as I understand... I admit... What concerns me ... Besides ... I can't but agree that ... I can't... that ... I hold that �As well� As for me � Equally far as I can say� Moreover � In a higher place all � In fact� In my opinion � Actually


Withthe help of Television receiver Ican... widen my outlook educate my feelings enrich my cognition of life entertain myself
Movie theatre is so popular among people because it'south� available, wide-spread the most pop / agreeable instructive affecting
Theatre makes it possible� to establish close contacts between actors and spectators to create intellectual atmosphere to distinguish between the good and the bad, to understand and enjoy beauty
It's a real pleasance for me to discuss some... exciting scenes valuable data called-for social problems amusing episodes with my friends

R E V I South I O N


I. Piece of work on definitions:


ane. someone who tells the actors what to do

two. someone who sings

3. someone who dances gracefully in a leading role

four. someone who performs dangerous actions in place of an role player

5. someone who entertains others by throwing and communicable things

6. someone who tells orchestra what to do

7. someone who takes an actor�s place in an emergency

8. someone who entertains others by performing gymnastics

9. someone who makes people laugh at the circus

ten. someone who is a member of this is an actor

xi. music used for dancing including jazz and pop music

12. whatsoever music played softly every bit a background for chat


1. a person employed to perform stunts (involving take a chance) for actors in films

two. a film where the primary aim is to terrify the audience

3. to show approval past clapping one�s hands

4. a booklet with data about the play and the cast

v. a person who writes reviews of new plays, films, musicals

6. a large notice or advertisement

vii. a well-known and pop cinema actor or extra

8. a film that deals with major disasters, such as earthquakes, large fires, plane crashes, etc.

nine. a place where films are shown,- moving pictures as an art form or industry

10.said of a (united nations)successful production

Ex. Ii. Put in the missing words.

Nosotros found out from the entertainment (I).........................in the paper that �Village' was (2)...................at the National Theatre, so we went straight to the (3).................office to (four)........................ some tickets. The evening (5)...........................was (6)........................out, so we bought tickets for the matinee. We sat in the front (7)..........................of the (8)..........................simply in front of the stage. The (9)...................... weren't very comfy, only the play was magnificent.

Ex. III. Answer the following questions.

ane) Why exercise people look at the billboard before going to the theatre? 2) Where exercise they buy tickets? 3) What do we call the place in the theatre where we leave our coats? 4) What seats do you prefer? 5) How often do you watch TV? 6) What play did yous lookout man last fourth dimension? 7) What was it most? eight) What actor (actress) played the leading role? 9) Is he (she) your favourite histrion (actress)? ten) Who is your favou�rite actor (extra)? xi) In what plays (films) did you meet him (her) and when was it?

Ex. 4. Use the following words and expressions in sentences of your own:

a box-office, a billboard, a stage, the stalls, the gallery, the cast, a cloak�room, a bank check, a play-bill, an usher, all evening performance, a matinee functioning, a rehearsal; to dance the main part, to play the leading role, to outburst into adulation, to get curtain calls.

Ex. V. Read the story and tell virtually your outset visit to the theatre.

I shall never forget my first visit to the Maly Theatre. It was ages agone, but I enjoyed the play and then much that it stands out in my retentiveness quite vividly. I saw the play "Inspector-General" past Gogol. I am sure that you'll concord with me that this play is full of humour and has a lot of funny episodes. The scenery was fine. The cast was well chosen, only best of all i liked Igor Ilynsky who played the leading part. To my mind he is an splendid actor. No wonder he was a neat success with the public. When the last curtain fell, Ilynsky got more curtain calls than the other actors and actresses and was presented with flowers.

Ex. Vi. Say it in English language:

1) ����� ����� ���� �������? 2) ����� �� �� ����������? 3) ������� ����� ������ ���� �������? 4) ����� ���, ����������, ��� ������ � ��������. v) � ������, ��� �� ������� �������, ��� ��� � ����� ������ �������� " ��� ������ �������". 6) � ����� ���, ��� ��� ������� ������ ������. 7) ��� ���������. ������� ����� � ��� ���������. � ���� ������ ������ ������������. 8) ��� ����� ����� �������� �������. ����� ����������� ��� ������� ������ �����������.

Ex. VII.Give the words corresponding to the following definitions:

(1) the kickoff rows in the English theatre which are bookable; 2) the place where we leave our coats in the theatres; iii) a person who sells the programmes or shows people to their seats; four) the seats in the English theatres which take no numbers and people occupy them on the principle of: start come, showtime served; 5) a line of people waiting for their plow; six) a person who examines our tickets at the entrance to a theatre. vii) dissimilar seats in the theatre in England. 8) all actors and actresses acting in a play. 9) people watching the performance.

Ex. 8. Sentences for translation:


1. ������� ������ � ����. ���� ������� �������.

2. ���� � ���� ����� � ����, � ������ ������ � ���������, ��� ���.

three. � ����� �������� �������������� ������, �� ��� ����� �������� ����������

� ������-���������� ������.

iv. ���� � ���� ����� �� �������� �����, � ������ ��������� ������ �������.

5. � ����� ������ ���� ����� ����������� ������ � ������.

half dozen. ����� ���������� ������� �����������.

7. ��� ������ ������� ���� � ������?

8. ������� ���������� ����� ������, �.�. ��� ������ ������������ � �����.

9. �� ������� ������, ������� ���������� � ����������� �����.

ten. ���� �� �� ������ ���������� ����� �������, �� ������ ������ ����� ��

������� ���������.

eleven. ����� �� ��������� ������, �� ������ ������� ����� �����, � �������, ��� �������, � ���������, � �� �������.

12. �������� (�����������) �������� ��� ���� �����.

xiii. �� ����� �������� ������� ���� ��������� � ���� �������.

14. ��� �� ����������� �����, �� �������� ��� ������.

xv. ��������� ���� ������� �����.

sixteen. � ��� �������� ������� � ���������.

17. ������� ������������� ������ �������� ������������� ������� ���������.

18. �� ������ ����� ����� ������.

nineteen. ���� ����� ����� ����������.

20. ��� ����� ��������. �� �� ��������� ������ �� ��������.

21. �. �������� ������ ����� �����.

22. ��� �������� ����� ������?

23. ��� ����� ���������� ����� � ������� ������� �����.

24. ��� ���������� �� ��� � ���������� ������.

25. ����� �����������.

26. ��� ������� ��� ��� ��������������� ��� �����.

27. ����� �������� ��� ���� �� ���.

28. ������ ������ ������� ������ �� ��������.

29. ��������, ������� �������� � ��� ����� �� ����� �����.

thirty. ��� ���� ���������� ������� �� ���.

31. ���� ����� ������, �� ������� ���� �� ����� �.

32. �������� ���������� � ������.

33. � ����������, ��� ���-������ ���� �� ������� ��� ���� �����.

34. � ����� �� ������, ����� ���������� � � �������.

35. ���, ����������, ��� ������ � ��������� �� �������.


1. � ����� �� ������ ��� ������ �� ����� ����� � ��������.

2. ������ ���������. ��� ������� �� ��������?

3. ������� (����� ������� ������) �������� � ������ �������.

4. �� �� ��������� ������ �� ������� ������� �� ��������.

5. ����� � ����������� �� �����������. ������ � ���� ��������������.

6. ���� ����� ������� ������ �� ������.

7. ��� ��� � �������?

viii. �������� ������ ���������� � ������ ������.

9. ������� ���� ������ � �����.

10.����� ����, � ��� �������� ��� ������ ����� � ���� �� ����� ������ �� �����?

11.��� �����������, ��� ���������� �����.

12.��� ��������� � ���������? ��� ���������, �� ������ ��?

xiii.����������� ���� � ���������������� ������� ����. ��� �������������.

14.� ���� ����� �����, ����� ������ ����� � ������.

xv.�����, ��� ��� �� ������ ����� � ������, ������� �� ��� �������.

16.� �����, ��� ���� �� ������� ����� ����� �� ��������� �������.

17.������ ��������e��� � ���� ���������� ������. ��� ����� �� ����� ����� � ����.

18.��� ������ ������������� �����? �� ����� �� ��� ����?

19.� ���� ��������� �������.

xx.�������������� ����� ����� �������� ������� ����������, �� ��� ��?

21.� ����� �� ������ ���������� � � �������.

22.������� ����������� ������� ��������������.

23.Ÿ ���� ���������� ������� �� ���.

24.��� �������� ������� ����?

25.������� ���� � �������� �� ��� ����.

26.����� ���������� � ������������� ������ ���������� �������.

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33.��� ������� �������� ( �������������) ������.


1. I�d like to buy two tickets adjacent to each other in the alley.

2. The stalls are sold out. Would the clothes circle suit you?

3. Newsreels leave a lasting memory.

four. Nosotros don�t take telephone bookings.

5. We cannot reserve seats in the pictures. Cinema performances are continuous.

6. Our seats are too far abroad from the screen.

7. What is on at the Opera (Theatre)?

8. The latest pictures (films) are being shown in the centre of Minsk.

9. Detect out the cost of the ticket at the box-office.

x.Mayhap you could find two seats next to each other in a box not far from the stage?

11.I liked the style the play was produced (staged, put on).

12.Who designed the scenery? It is picturesque, isn�t it?

13.Introduce me to the leading part (extra). She is charming.

14.It strains my eyes to see a play from the gallery.

15.I�k agape, there isn�t a single seat in the house that would suit you.

16.I think information technology�d exist much better if we went to the (variety) show.

17.The cast is weak in this product. They couldn�t enter into the parts at all.

18.What is the Drama Theatre putting on? How about going there?

19.I was charmed away by the music.

20.The realistic plot of the play made the public think, didn�t it?

21.I went backstage to congratulate her on her success.

22.The audience broke into stormy applause.

23. Her acting moved the audience to tears.

24.Who played the leading roles?

25.The audience was delighted with his acting.

26.The new production at the drama theatre is a bully success.

27. Information technology�due south e'er very hard to get tickets for the first nighttime.

28.The play was a failure (flop).

29.Don�t enter the hall during the show.

thirty.This motion-picture show is very popular with the cinema-goers (flick-goers, pic-goers, movie-goers).

31.The film produces a powerful impression.

32.She accompanied me at the piano.

33.It�s a chamber (symphonic) music concert.

At the cinema Dictation

As for me, I actually savour going to the cinema; information technology�southward ane of my favourite pastime vii though I dont really practise that often. When I want to become to the picture palace I normally come across in the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friends and we discuss what film to see. We prefer characteristic films but also savour cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, a musical or a detective film is a very pleasant manner of spending gratis time. I particularly savour films where you get so involved in the story that you lot forget where yous are.

If I want to get to the evening show I usually book tickets in advance. Only for matinee performances I always purchase tickets but before the show. I�d lik� to tell you near the film which has been a hit with the public for xx years already and on the eve of every New Twelvemonth information technology is shown on TV. I approximate you know I�m talking about the moving-picture show �Light steam to you or the Irony of the fate". This motion picture is very relaxing; it is for entertainment of heart and mind. It is Eldar Ryasanovsouth film released by the Mosfilm studio. The action takes place in St. Petersburg of our days. Such famous actors as A.Myagkov, B. Brylska, Y. Yakovlev, A. Shirvindt, L. Ahedzhakova are co-staring in the film. I think the acting was superb which is quite natural with such a cast. �north� more than moving-picture show I savor is a screen version of the novel "Gone with the Air current� past K . Mitchel. This film is in colour. It�southward an old pic but it still enjoys smashing popularity. Favourite American actors star in it: Vivien Leigh and Clark Gabel. I was securely impressed by their acting and the film itself. It hasn�t lost its visual splendour in the grade of time.


Before you tin bask technically vivid and vividly dramatic moving-picture show in the cinema a producer and a director should piece of work difficult to shoot it.

The first step to be washed is to discover a good script or a novel to screen. Subtle and contrived plot can guarantee fifty per cent of success. The residual 50 come from the right bandage. The actors and ac�tresses should exist able to requite a convincing portrayal of the characters. And it is not necessary for the motion-picture show to be star-studded. Equally a rule in one film stars piece of work adjacent with young actors of cracking promise.

When all preparations are over the filming time comes. Lots of shots are made both in studios and on locations by an experiences cameraman nether the supervision of the manager. If there are dangerous scenes in the moving-picture show actors are replaced past stands-in. After some computer ef�fects will be added in the studio. The more special effects and stunts at that place are in a film, the greater audience they concenter.

After shooting the process of editing goes. The director chooses the best shots and combines them in the right gild. Then the audio editor controls the recording of the sound and so the film could be dubbed if necessary. The piece of work of a composer is worth mentioning because a sound�track is not the last thing. Proficient music and songs will not exit anybody cold.As soon as the film is ready to be released an advertising campaign starts. Film is mentioned in newsreels and posters. And after the premier you lot tin can see whether the film is going to be a blockbuster or a turkey.



Source: https://allrefrs.ru/1-45873.html

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